ActionAid Zimbabwe Newsletter January-February 2023
End Femicide to Attain Women’s and Girls’ Rights: The 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence
This issue is mainly focusing on some of ActionAid Zimbabwe and partner campaigns on fighting violence against women and girls. Between 25 November and 10 December each year, AAZ joins the world in commemorating the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence (16 DOA). The 16 DOA global theme for 2022, was "UNITE! Activism to End Violence Against Women and Girls," with ActionAid emphasising on Ending Femicide. Femicide is defined as the "killing of women because of their sex and/or gender", as a result of deaths from harmful practices (including child sexual abuse) and deliberate acts of omission by the state including the lack of political will to severely punish those who sanitise child sexual abuse under the guise of child marriage in religious sects. The femicide also includes poor gender responsive public service delivery such as provision of menstrual hygiene, lack of which can result in health complications, and loss of women’s dignity. Happy Reading.