ActionAid Zimbabwe Annual Report 2009
From Despair to Hope
A Strategy for Empowering the Voiceless to realise Rights.
ActionAid Zimbabwe Annual Report 2010
This is a report showing ActionAid International Zimbabwe country programme work for 2010.

ActionAid Zimbabwe Annual Report for 2011
This is the ActionAid Zimbabwe Annual Report for 2011, which is a summary of the country programme activities for 2011.

ActionAid Zimbabwe Annual Report 2012
This is an annual summary account of the ActionAid International Zimbabwe country programme activities for 2012.

ActionAid Zimbabwe Abridged Country Strategy 2014-2018
The Country Strategy theme for 2014-2018 is entitled Strengthening Citizen's Actions Against Poverty. This booklet is a summary of of the strategy for the five year period.

Human Rights Based Approach Abridged booklet
This is a summarised vesion of the Human Rights Approach (HRBA) manual. ActionAid Zimbabwe is guided by the HRBA approach in the implementation of its programmes.

The Inspirator -People for Change Induction Booklet
The booklet explains how one becomes an ActionAid Inspirator and how the inpirator programme is implemented and its objectives. The Inspirator People for Change (P4C) appraoch evolves engagement in

ActionAid Annual Report 2013
This is the ActionAid Zimbabwe Annual Report for 2013, which is a summary of the country programme activities for 2013.

Annual Report 2013 Stories of Change
This is a report showing ActionAid Zimbabwe country programme work impact stories for 2013 .